Electrical Switchboard Matting is stocked in both 11KV and 15KV variations. IEC61111 matting is also available. Please contact our sales office for details.
No shortcuts to safety
We supply electrical matting in 3 standard roll widths (914mm, 1m & 1.2m). No gaps should be left between the mats, therefore the Ashton cutting service is fast, accurate and affordable, whether you need one mat or a larger quantity.
100% Conformity
All our material is completely tested on all its surface area and then marked with the manufacturer’s mark, date stamp and test standard
However please remember that switchboard matting should not be used as the only form of chemical protection, health and safety guidelines must be followed at all times.
Available and Affordable
Our matting is available from stock and we will cut it to any size you require. Please note that the standard length of matting is 10 metres but we can supply in longer lengths if required.
To discuss your switchboard matting requirements further please contact us on 01226 273700 or email ask@ashton-group.co.uk